
Why you need 2022 Mid-Year Goals Check In

2022 Mid-Year Goals Check In

How is your 2022 going?

We’ve just ticked over the half way mark of 2022, how is your year going? Where are you at with all the 2022 goals or resolutions that you set in late 2021 or early 2022.

If you are on track and achieving your goals then fantastic work, keep up the good work. We look forward to hearing about your 2022 successes!

If you aren’t on track, why not? What derailed your 2022 goals? More importantly what are you doing to get back on track?

The good news is that while 2022 might be half over, there is nearly 6 months left to achieve something great for 2022!

So what steps can you take to make sure you end 2022 on a high note?

1. Ask yourself why you veered off track

Did you put to much pressure on yourself by setting too many goals and not living your life? Remember you want to challenge yourself when setting goals, not totally be overwhelmed with goals.

Part of the goal setting process is to enjoy the journey as well as the destination. If you are under the pump and not getting anywhere it’s easy to get overwhelmed and check out of the process.

Did you have sufficient support in place to help you with your goals? What other distractions are there in your life that took you away from your 2022 goals?

Once you’ve assessed all these then you can make some changes to either your goals or your approach and look to get back on track.

2. Set more realistic goals

Both in regards to your abilities and in regards to your timetable. You may have gotten a little too ambitious in setting your goals thinking you were at a higher ability or that you could achieve these goals if you had more time.

Be realistic in what you think you can achieve. By all means set big challenging goals, however set goals that you can achieve if you put the work in. Don’t set goals that you have no chance of achieving. If you do that you will lose interest and give up and your life won’t be changing.

If your goals were too overwhelming to complete or were way outside your abilities reassess this then get back on track. Set a small amount of challenging yet achievable goals in the main aspects of your life and go out and achieve these!

3. Find a quality coach or trainer

If your goal involved learning something new or push yourself to a level you haven’t been at previously, did you reach out for help or look for a coach or trainer in that area? Not only do good coaches provide you with great support when you hit a plateau or a roadblock they also shorten the learning curve for any new skills or processes. The time to learn something new on your own can be shortened substantially with a great coach or trainer. The time saved can then be put towards other goals or areas of your life. You may even achieve your goal earlier than expected which would allow you to set even more challenging goals next time.   

4. Find and use an accountability partner

Ideally when you are setting goals to do something or learn something totally outside your skillset and comfort zone you will look to find people who have achieved something similar. This is a great way to learn tips or methods that you may not have thought above. You might even pick up a short cut or two to speed up your learning curve.

With a bit of luck this person could also be an accountability partner for you. If they can’t (or won’t) look at your close friends or relatives and see if there is someone you trust who can keep you accountable with your goals. This could be a gym buddy to keep you motivated for a fitness or diet goal or it could be a friend to help you stay on track with an educational or finance goal.

You will be (or you should be) stretched with the goal you are looking to achieve and there will be plateaus and the potential road block or two. An accountability partner will help you navigate these and if that person has achieved something similar they may also provide some wisdom that they came across in their journey.

5. Have regular check ins

How often did you check in to see if you were on track with your goals? It’s easy to lose hope when you put all of your effort to achieve a goal and after two months of no change decide to throw it all in and go back to your former life.

Goals should be challenging however when starting something new you should always check in regularly to make sure you are on track and moving forward.

If you aren’t getting any early feedback then the chance of you abandoning your goals increases. In the early stages of chasing your goals (particularly if this goal setting process is a relatively new concept) then check in with your goals regularly, check in with accountability partners regularly, check in with a mentor and don’t be concerned if you do veer slightly off track.

Never be too proud or too scared to ask for help. The quicker you do this the quicker you can get back on track (or make the necessary changes to your goals and approach) and hitting those targets you should be achieving.

Don’t despair if your 2022 hasn’t worked out as you planned it. There is still plenty of time left to make some serious inroads to your goals and to finish 2022 on a high. Don’t beat yourself up just dust yourself off, get back in the saddle and charge hard at completing your goals for 2022.

Reach out to mentors, coaches and accountability partners. Find the right equipment, courses, training, whatever will help you stay on track and reach your 2022. Finishing 2022 on a good note will set you up for a great 2023 and before you know it you will be living the life you could only dream about!