
Simple Steps To Take Unstoppable Action

3 steps to help you take unstoppable action

Many people dream of changing their life yet continually find ways of stopping themselves before they really give it a shot. A lot of this is self doubt and a lack of self belief however part of this can also be not knowing what to do to make these life changes and more importantly how to achieve these? Below we touch on 3 steps to help you take unstoppable action to achieve the goals you wish you could achieve.

  1. Analyse the what and the why of what you are looking to achieve

Make sure that your reason for what you wish to achieve or the why you wish to achieve a goal or an accomplishment is strong enough. If you are doing something for the wrong reason, for someone other than yourself if your heart really isn’t in it, then the chances that you achieve what you set out to achieve are less likely to occur.

If you are doing something for someone else, how does this match up with your own beliefs and values? If you are setting out to achieve something where you have an ulterior motive, is this motive aligned to your values and ideals?

Once you hit a roadblock or two and your journey to your achievement becomes a little harder, those who have a strong belief conviction in what they want to achieve are a lot more likely to stay the course and be successful in their endeavours.

Conversely if what you are trying to achieve doesn’t really mean a lot to you or it’s being done for someone else you are more likely to fail or if you do achieve the journey could be a lot more harder and less enjoyable than for something that means a lot to you.

By analysing the what and the why you can also look to see if there is any potential mental baggage in committing to an outcome or goal. There might me a potential to procrastinate or to avoid various tasks to achieve your goal. For some people have this should come out in the what and why stage and should be looked at in more detail with a trained professional.

  1. Set goals and write these down

After reviewing your what and your why, what are you going to achieve and more importantly what are your shorter term goals or sign posts that will keep you on track to achieve the big goal or achievement that you have set. Studies have shown that people who set goals have a XXX% chance of becoming successful in the endeavour they set out to accomplish.

Studies have shown that those who set goals and write these down have a much higher likelihood of increased performance and success than those who merely think about what they would like to achieve.

Psychology professor Gail Matthews (from the Dominican University in California) in her study about goal setting showed that there was over a 40% higher success rate of people writing down their goals rather than those who merely stated their goals.

Mark Murphy in his article for Forbes goes into detail the relationship between neuroscience and writing down your goals, highlighting the ‘generation effect’ for the higher correlation between success and writing down your goals.

The evidence is overwhelming for writing down your goals so stack the deck in your favour and write down all the goals you wish to achieve.

  1. Outline an action plan

You’ve outline your what and why and you’ve set goals revolved around this, have you got a plan in place to achieve these goals? If you’ve written down your goals yet have no plan to achieve these then your chances for success will be very limited.

While the plan doesn’t need to be detailed as it can (and should) be changed as circumstances change or your success is quicker (or longer) than anticipated or you’ve had to pivot your goal due to unforeseen circumstances.

What should be in your plan?

Timeline – This is pretty simple, what is the timeline you expect to achieve your goal (or goals) by? Reflect this in your plan.

Visuals – if you have a goal that you can find a picture for such as a new car or house, holiday destination, ideal weight level, find a relevant picture of this and display it prominently.

Outline Additional Training or Equipment Needed – Given that most people should be setting goals that are challenging and will likely take you out of your comfort zone, additional training or education or new equipment will be required.

For example if your goal was to lose 10 kg in 6 months and you hadn’t exercised in years then it’s likely you will need to purchase some new equipment such as running shoes, a gym membership or even some personal training.

You might like to increase your education by purchasing a fitness or diet related book or course. Not down anything that will get you to your goal quicker and easier and if it’s within your budget then go for it.

Mentors plus accountability partners – This fits in with the above point, find out anyone that you know who has recently achieved what you are looking to achieve or reach out to someone online that you have come across that is successful where you are looking to achieve.

What did they find hard or wish they could have done differently when achieving their goals? How did they handle any roadblocks or setback on their journey? Every bit of information helps and can be the difference between success or failure or could help you achieve your goals a lot quicker.

In the same Gail Matthews study above, the study showed that those in the study who wrote down their goals AND reached out to a friend with these goals were more likely to achieve their goals. This makes sense as you have someone you need to check in with and if it’s a close friend or relative it’s likely you don’t want to let this person down.

Schedule regular check- ins – How often will you check in to see if you are still on track or to make sure that you’ve set a relevant achievable goal. There is no point in setting a crazy goal that you have no chance of achieving only to do all this work and get nowhere near the goal at the end of the timeline.  Check in with your accountability partner.

Reward Yourself – What will be do or buy for yourself once you achieve your goal? Yes you should be enjoying the journey however you also need to reward yourself for your achievements. Bask in the glory of achievement then put that aside for your next goal.

Now take action! The easiest step to do but for some the hardest step to take. Fears of self doubt, unworthiness, imposter syndrome, you name it can creep in and stop you from taking the leap however ignore that negative voice in your head and make that step into action! Let your actions do the talking and before long you are living the successful life you dreamed of achieving life changing goals like its second nature to you!